Unique Barbeque Styles – The Tandoor!
Nowadays people are using the microwaves and electric ovens, but in the past , people used to cook food over fires on earthen ovens and fire ovens. Also, nowadays people enjoy barbeque for cooking purposes devoting ample time on cooking. Also in some parts of the world tandoors are a fantasy of some people for cooking. Cheap Certified Tandoor Oven Canada is available for easy cooking. Tandoor is actually a clay cooking pot; its shape is cylindrical, like a drum and is mostly used in cooking Middle Eastern and Eastern food. Tandoor works as an oven with the heat generated from inside. Usually, the tandoor oven is heated with charcoal. The meal cooked in tandoor has unique flavor and taste. Tandoor is mostly famous to cook Indian dishes; however, the tandoor originated in ancient Persia. Persia is nowadays synonymous with Iran. Other than Iran and India, the tandoor is also used in many countries like Armenia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, in addition to centr...